Z Calculator
MICA provides over twenty correlation calculators. These are simple, easy-to-use forms that perform a simple, yet frequently used correlation for a commonly needed parameter. One such form is the Z Calculator shown below.
Z Calculator
To calculate the Z factor for gas, simply enter the appropriate information and click the "Calculate" button and MICA will calculate the Z factor.
There are several other calculators which perform correlation calculations to find: Cf, Tpc, Ppc, Bg, Ug, Cg, Rso, Bo, Co, Uo, Pb, Bw, Rsw, Uw, Cw, Sw, Oil Volumetrics, Gas Volumetrics, Arps Equations, and Minimum Flow Rates To Lift Liquids. If one calculator requires the input from another, such as the Tpc value required on the Z Calculator above, click the drop down arrow on that field and open the required calculator.